Unconditional Respect
Photo credit @drew_hays
In this podcast, Gerhard and Jocelyne discuss why respect is often such a critical component of relationships for men. Why do men crave respect? What does respect look like? How can respect be unconditional? Join us for a great conversation!
Our conversation on respect is based on Shaunti Feldhahn’s book For Women Only. This is an eye-opening book that helps women understand why men think and act the way they do. After conducting a national survey and personal interviews with over a thousand men, Shaunti summed up her findings into eight main ideas. At the top of this list was the issue of respect.
In a week we will publish a written summary and reflection on this topic which explores all the themes presented in Feldhahn’s chapter on respect in For Women Only.
Here are fourteen ways that we can love our husband better! These tips are based on conversations, personal experience, and especially the research done by Shaunti Feldhahn, John Gottman, Gary Thomas, and Gary Chapman.
In this growing digital age, it is becoming harder to define what exactly a friend is, what friendship requires, and what a healthy friendship looks like. In Rule 3, Peterson speaks of choosing friends that draw us up toward our ideal good. We can improve the quality of our life by improving the quality of our friendships.
Over the last few years working on articles for this site, we’ve come across articles, books, and resources that claim there are some small things we can do to allow that romance back in. Things that are actually possible, may require a bit of effort, but have a lot of payoff.
So let’s talk about sex.
New for our podcast series: We interviewed our friend, Steve Holt, father of three, on what it means to be a melancholic husband and father.
Steve’s secondary temperament is phlegmatic, and with his engineering and military background, he brings out the dutiful, idealist, and noble side of the melancholic.
Let’s face it—it can be awkward to talk about sex. And problematically, there may not be someone we feel comfortable talking to about the intimate aspects of our marriage. That’s why I was so happy when some friends of ours introduced us to the book Holy Sex by Dr. Gregory Popcack, PhD.
Romantic relationships can be unpredictable and chaotic. How do we adapt to change and keep the romance afloat? Jordan Peterson’s Rule X, from his new book Beyond Order, is about negotiation. Negotiating our needs together as a couple leads to goodwill, mutual regard, and heartfelt cooperation—all of which is needed for romance to flourish.
Conflict in marriage is inevitable but sometimes our emotions can derail a healthy resolution. The Vital Smarts authors of Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking when Stakes are High explain how we can better handle our emotions in any high-stakes, emotionally jarring conversation.
As Dr. Gregory Popcack argues, a great sex life is the product of great social intimacy. A couples therapist, Dr. Popcack inserts insightful anecdotes and advice based on actual lessons he has learned from couples.
Dealing with criticisms in marriage is not easy, but Adam Lane Smith provides a solution to that problem. We try out his method and give you the rundown, pros and cons.