The Secret to Great Kids: Virtue Series Part 1
@iqxazmi via Unsplash
So you’re at a loss. You’ve been disciplining your kids, time outs, consequences, bribes, and the talking-to. The poor behaviour seems endless: biting, screaming, nagging, teasing, public outbursts, at-home tantrums—you step back and ask yourself—is this all that parenting is about? In the midst of poor behaviour mayhem, it’s easy to lose our perspective on what exactly is our role as a parent.
Well, we’re not just firefighters—here to put out the fires. We’re also here to draw the blueprints and be the architects of our children’s lives.
So let’s get the steering wheel and the map back in our hands. Let’s not ignore the negatives, but focus on the positives—and that doesn’t just mean noticing only good behaviour. It means having a positive vision of the kinds of people we would like our children to be presently and the kinds of adults we would like them to eventually become.
Having an idea of what kind of people we want our children to be is much less stressful than just focusing on the behaviour we don’t like.
This kind of parenting is called in some places character building, in others, virtue training. It’s about putting a name to the behaviours we would like to achieve in our children—as well as ourselves!
In this first part of our virtue series, we interview Irene Freundorfer of She’s had many years of experience raising ten kids of her own, as well as mentoring many mothers, and giving talks on parenting and marriage. (She’s also Gerhard’s mom!)
(From simplest to most academic)
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The Family Virtues Guide: Simple Ways to Bring Out the Best in our Children and Ourselves Linda Kavelin Popov
Parents Do Make a Difference – Michele Borba
Building Moral Intelligence – Michele Borba
No More MisBehavin’ – 38 Difficult Behaviors and How to Stop Them – Michele Borba
Don’t Give Me That Attitude – 24 Rude, Selfish Insensitive Things Kids Do and How to Stop Them - Michele Borba
Thrivers: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine– Michele Borba
Parenting for Character: Equipping Your Child for Life – Andrew Mullins
Lifeline: The Religious Upbringing of Your Children - James Stenson
Compass: A Handbook on Parent Leadership – James Stenson
Father, The Family Protector – James Stenson
Raising Good Children: From Birth Through the Teenage Years – Thomas Lickona
How to Raise Kind Kids: And Get Respect, Gratitude, and a Happier Family in the Bargain - Thomas Lickona
Children: Their Training, Formation and Education – Javier Abad and Eugenio Fenoy
Character Building – David Isaacs
Back To Virtue - Peter Kreeft